I am usinng RestAssured for API test automation. Cucumber is used for mapping the feature scenarios with the implmentation. In other words we have use of gherkin language in feature files and replication of same in stepdefinitions which has my restAuured/java test implementations.
Since I am a fan of TestNG's capabilities I am extending AbstractTestNGCucmberTests.
Feature file
Feature: Create User API
Scenario: Create User Successfully
Given the user payload is:
| first_name | John |
| last_name | Doe |
| email | john.doe@example.com |
| mobile_phone | 1234567890 |
| date_of_birth | 1990-01-01 |
| password | password |
| username | johndoe |
When I send a {method} request to {path}
Then the response status code should be 201
|method | path | status_code |
| POST |/user_account/create"|201 |
To handle the payload, I am using .replace method, where values in an existing jsom template is replaced with the data in exmaple table.
The helper class TestDataUtil, uses its updateJsonRequestString method to get us the payload. This is what is does;
First it reads the content of the json file. Then it replaces all the placeholders in it with the corresponding values in the data table. Also saves it as a String. The modified String is then written back to the json file. This updated json file is assigned to requestBody variable.
public class CreateUserSteps {
private RequestSpecification requestSpec;
private Response response;
private String requestBody;
@Given("the user payload is:")
public void the_user_payload_is(Map<String, String> dataTable) {
String requestBody = TestDataUtil.updateJsonRequestString("create_user.json")
.replace("{{first_name}}", dataTable.get("first_name"))
.replace("{{last_name}}", dataTable.get("last_name"))
.replace("{{email}}", dataTable.get("email"))
.replace("{{mobile_phone}}", dataTable.get("mobile_phone"))
.replace("{{date_of_birth}}", dataTable.get("date_of_birth"))
.replace("{{password}}", dataTable.get("password"))
.replace("{{username}}", dataTable.get("username"));
}@When("I send a {string} request to {string}")
public void i_send_a_request_to(String method, String path) {
response = requestSpec.contentType(ContentType.JSON)
.request(method, path);
@Then("the response status code should be {int}")
public void the_response_status_code_should_b(int expectedStatusCode) {
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