The project's src, bin distributions and all related information are available at;
Here are few simple scenarios that you can try with Mashups.
Register as normal:
- Sign-up with your information
- Accept the Email Verification
- Sign-In
Register for Infor card :
- Register
- Sign-in
- Create Infor card (from profiles' page)
Change user:
- Sign in.
- Select the option to "Change User"
- Sign-in using a different user credentials
Create a new service:
- Sign-In and Go to user profile page
- Select the option to "Create a new service"
- Go to service home page & select to edit service
- From the Mashups editor, update the service as you wish.
NOTE: There's a UI issue in the editor from IE7. Alternates - Works fine in FireFox
Edit a service from UI:
- Sign-In and go to the service's home page.
- Select to "edit the service"
Edit Mashups from file system:
- Go to the Mashups server directory from the file system
- Then move to the Scripts\User Folder
- Open the script from an editor
- Edit
- Save and Close
The hot update feature will re-deploy the updated the service without having the server restarted.
If your change is semantically incorrect, the server will not deploy it. The error can be viewed from server console.
You can find HELP in writing a service from Mashup Server documentation at (
Sharing a service:
- Sign-In and Go to user profile page.
- Select the option to "Share a service"
- Give the URL for sharing server.
NOTE: If the server you are sharing to is not active, the sharing will fail)
You can also share services with the site as well (
Start\Stop service:
- Services can be started\stopped from service's home page.
- Sign-in and go to a service home page
- Add a tag
The tag you added will appear under the 'tags' section of the service. If the tag you added is duplicating the Mashups server will quit intelligently will not add it. You can also add coma separated tags.
- Sign-in and go to a service home page
- Add a comment
The comment that you added will appear in the comments section with your user name.
Currently we allow sentences with 500 chars. However the UI wrapping go out of order if your try a WORD with 500 chars, which will be fixed for 1.0.
Scraping Assistance:
- Sign-In and Go to user profile page.
- Select to use the "scraping assistant"
Scraping assistance will help you to create a scraper configuration of your wish. You may then copy paste your configuration to the service source code.
Currently there's a small usability problem here. The option to edit a service appears in the service's home page and the scraping assistant appears only in the user home page. So currently there are too many clicks for the user to use both tools together. We will address this issue soon.
In addition to these you can also re-deploy, delete services, list falty services.
Mashups Server has some fabulous set of samples that are finely describing the technologies embedded within the server. Currently we have these appearing in the home page. You access WSDL, XSD, Source, API documentation, Tryit page, Custom UI of these sample services from the service home page which you get when clicked on the service.
You can search for Mashups, comments, Recent Activities and also search by saved queries.