Monday, June 13, 2022

Revisiting ESB

Messaging Architecture

High-level Architecture

Back in WSO2 ..❤️

It's been more than 5 years since I've last blogged here! Also, that's almost the same length of time that I was away. Away from WSO2.

During the last 5+ years I was working for an organization in the telecommunication domain. With them, I joined to head the Production support to WSO2 based product platform they had and then gradually picked up, Delivery, Product management and finally headed a product department. Not only that I was moved across 3 company logos within the same group!! I guess it explains the dynamics. Entirely a roller-coaster ride which was made okay by certain lead levels and dear teams I engaged with during the journey.

This June, I joined WSO2 again. Much thankful to Sanjiva, Customer Success leadership for accepting me. 

Today's post is all to say how grateful it feels to join again. 

Onboarding program at WSO2 simply re-confirms how well you would be looked after.

Initial interfacing by the HR teams to collect my data, personalized couriering of the brand new Apple MacBook Pro and broad welcome greet followed by the amazing onboarding orientation. There was so much attention by WSO2 to all the details. Things like EPF form was sent home with an ink pad and filled form to be collected by the company arranged currier.  Comprehensive hands-on session with digi-ops to set up the laptop, mail, apps, etc, so you can operate as everyone else from the day 1 itself! Each of the department joined the induction program to tell new employees about what they do how we can engage. I am sure each batch must be feeling very special and totally ready by the time they are through this program.

Induction hands you over to your lead who discusses their planned programs with necessary buddy support etc.

Yeap.. That was my first 4 days after re-joining! 

Looking forward to serve at my best and enjoy every min of it!


Selenium - Page Object Model and Action Methods

  How we change this code to PageObjectModel and action classes. 1 2 3 driver . findElement ( By . id ( "userEmail" )). sendKeys (...

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