Pre-requisite : You need to have WebLogic Server 10gR3 installed in your machine.
- Install and start weblogic server from port 7001.
- Download a WSO2 IS distribution.
- From the IS ditribution copy following folders : conf, database, repository, resources and ROOT folder inside webapps. Paste them inside the "is-repo" that you created in above step. Rename ROOT to "is".
- Now go to IS_repo\conf folder and change the following files.
Axis2.xml - Change the default http\https ports 9763\9443 to 7001\7002.
carbon.xml -Change the context, server url.
identity.xml -Change the OpenIDServerUrl, OpenIDUserPattern
registry.xml - Update the database url.
user-mgt.xml - update the database url
- Go to Weblogic console. (In a browser type http://localhost:7001/console/)
- In WebLogic Server Administration console select your domain, click on 'Environments' > 'Servers'.
- In the 'Servers' table there'll be a link to 'AdminServer'. Click on it.
Now we'll configure the Admin Server.
- Click the General tab and update following information and save.
- Click on KeyStores tab and fill in the information as given below and save.
- Click on SSL tab and fill in the information as given below and save.
Now lets' deploy IS.
- Go to Domain Structure > YOUR_DOMAIN and click on 'Deployments'.
- In the 'Deployments' table you will see "is" appear with a glass jar like icon.
- Click on the check box next to it. Click "install" button.
- After installing our web application, Click on the "start" button that appear in the same panel and select "servicing all requests".
Now we'll restart the server. Before that we need to set carbon home to the repo we created above.
- Ctrl+C and shutdown your server.
- Set carbon home on the same command window (e.g. Type set CARBON_HOME=C:\is-repo)
- Now start your weblogic server (e.g. startWebLogic.cmd)
Perfect! we are done now ...
Open Up a browser window.
Type the url - https://localhost:7002/is/carbon and you'll get WSO2 Identity Server Administration Console :)