You can easily switch between these databases by;
- creating a database schema within the relevant RDBMS
- point the configuration scripts to that db
- copy the drivers
- start the server with -Dsetup
I will describe these steps in a separate post.
This post is about how you can manually configure the database. I will be using MySql in my illustration. And I will be using WSO2 Identity Server 3.0 -alpha releases for this.
Creating MySQL database for WSO2 Carbon
1. Download a wso2 identity server 3.0 alpha release
2. Navigate to the location where you have the mysql script. i.e. CARBON_HOME/dbscripts
3. Open a command prompt from that location and login to mysql from cmd prompt
mysql -u root -p
4. Create a database. Create user and grant access
create database regdb; GRANT ALL ON regdb.* TO regadmin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "regadmin";
6. Run the mysql.sql script. This will configure the database.
use regdb; source mysql.sql
7. Copy the database driver to CARBON_HOME\repository\components\lib. I used mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar, which is the official JDBC driver for MySQL. It can be downloaded from here.
8. Configure usermanager and registry scripts, which reside in CARBON_HOME/repository/conf
<currentDBConfig>mysql-db</currentDBConfig> <dbConfig name="mysql-db"> <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/regdb</url> <userName>regadmin</userName> <password>regadmin</password> <driverName>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</driverName> <maxActive>80</maxActive> <maxWait>6000</maxWait> <minIdle>5</minIdle> </dbConfig>
<Database> <URL>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/regdb</URL> <UserName>regadmin</UserName> <Password>regadmin</Password> <Dialect>mysql</Dialect> <Driver>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</Driver> </Database>