Friday, July 16, 2010

How to install WSO2 cApp in eclipse

Am using eclipse-jee-galileo-linux-gtk.tar.gz for this. and a milestone release of WSO2 cApp plugin, which can be downloaded from here.

1. Firstly extract you eclipse distribution and launch it.

2. Then Go to Help menu and select "Install Software"

3. Click on the 'Add' button at the top corner of the 'Install' DBox to add the location where the software resides.

4. In the 'Add site' DBox, click on 'Archive' button and navigate to the location where you downloaded WSO2 cApp plugin (

5. When the achive is added, all the software available in it will appear in the small text area below it.
Remember : You need to have "group items by category" checkbox unchecked.

4. Out of the above list, select "WSO2 Carbon Studio Feature" and press Next to proceed and move on until completion.

That's it. Now you have WSO2 cApp integrated to eclipse IDE.


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  How we change this code to PageObjectModel and action classes. 1 2 3 driver . findElement ( By . id ( "userEmail" )). sendKeys (...

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