Thursday, February 28, 2008

To test 'sharing' in Mashup Server


1. Copy the .cert file into \Java\jdk1.5.0_06\jre\lib\security
2. keytool -import -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -alias myCert -file ca.cert
3. Change port in commandeListner & JMX in server.xml
4. In axis2.xml change the http & https ports:

Test Scenarios
1. Admin to share with a user in the same server.
2. A user sharing with the admin of the same server.
3. Admin sharing with the admin of another server.
4. Admin sharing with a user of another server.
5. User sharing with a user of another server.
6. User sharing with the admin of another server.
7. Admin sharing to a user1 of the same server and user sharing with a user2 of another server.
8. Admin sharing to a user1 of the same server and user1 sharing with admin of another server.
9. Admin sharing with user1 a service that was already shared.
10. User sharing with the admin a service that was already shared.
11. User1 sharing with a user2 in the same machine a service that is already shared.
12. User1 sharing with a user2 in another machine a service that is already shared.
13. Share and edit.
14. Share, tag\comment and share again
15. Share with a user of a same name in a different server

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Open ID

WSO2 Identity Solution is going to do a release. I'll be helping them with QA. So these days I'm learning the technologies\concepts behind their new features.

Open ID is one that came first in the list. Here are some interesting links on OpenID. They were very helpful for me in gathering knowledge.


Selenium - Page Object Model and Action Methods

  How we change this code to PageObjectModel and action classes. 1 2 3 driver . findElement ( By . id ( "userEmail" )). sendKeys (...

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