Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Creating a WSO2 artifact using Eclipse

As was shown in my previous article, we have a plugin which can be added to eclipse which will open you a development environment to create artefacts used in WSO2 products. Now lets see how we can create WSO2 product artefacts in this environment.

So to start off with, you need to have eclipse IDE, (preferably, eclipse-jee-galileo) and install WSO2 cApp following the steps in here.

After WSO2 cApp is installed and the IDE is restarted, do following;

1. Create a WSO2 project
Go to File > New > Project. This will open up the 'New Project' wizard.
You have two menu options for this:
  • You can either select 'Carbon Application Project' option that appear at the beginning of the list.
  • Or you can select 'WSO2' at the bottom, which will also give 'Carbon Application Project' when you expand it.

In the next step, give your project a name and 'finish' the wizard.

Now you'll have a project created (with the name you gave) in the 'Project Explore'. Expand the project folder and you'll find its initial content as shown below;
  • JRE System library - Jars from your java runtime
  • java-src -the place where you keep the java src files
  • Artifacts - you will have this empty when you start. Later when you create an artifact, it will appear inside this.
  • root-artifact.xml - Is the place which manages you project
  • Server Roles - Server roles that you can specify for each of your artefact.

2. Create an artifact
Double click on root-artifact.xml. Click on 'Create New Artifact' button. You will get a drop down menu, which will have all WSO2 artifacts that are supported up to now.

From the menu simply select the artifact you need to create.

I will explain how to create few ESB artefacts in my next posts.
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