Thursday, January 16, 2014

How to remove these UI bundles from worker node

To remove these UI bundles from worker node, you need to run the following command from [PRODUCT_HOME]/bin:
ant createWorker

The ant task createWorker removes the following set of UI bundles:


A situation where this might not work is;

If you have used -DapplyPatches parameter to start ESB node at some point!! If so it will backup the original jar files in [PRODUCT_HOME]/repository/components/plugins to [PRODUCT_HOME]/repository/components/patches/patch0000 folder. In the next server startup these jars will get replaced in [PRODUCT_HOME]/repository/components/plugins. Hence, the UI bundles could appear again. If this is the case, you need to remove the UI bundles (mentioned in above comment) manually from [PRODUCT_HOME]/repository/components/patches/patch0000 folder.

After you install features from UI ..

When you install the features using the WSO2 management console it will copy the relevant jars to repository/components/plugins directory and will update the file which is located in CARBON_HOME/repository/components/configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/. There will not be changes to database with regard to this.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to read properties file from custom UserStoreManager


You have developed a XUserStoreManager extending an inbuilt userstoremanager implemetation (i.e. ActiveDirectoryUserStoreManager).

You need to read some configuration files from a property file, which you do not want embed in the XUserStoreManager.jar which is deployed in <IS_HOME>/repository/components/dropins

What is the best approach:

1. You can put your custom properties in <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/user-mgt.xml inside your <CustomUserStoreManager> section as below.
<Property name="customProperty">customValue</Property>

2. Put properties withing your CustomUserStoreManager configuration section. Then you can access your properties as below as in [1]


String patterns = realmConfig.getUserStoreProperty(LDAPConstants.USER_DN_PATTERN); 

Applicable : WSO2IS-4.6.0

[1] -


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