Wednesday, January 22, 2014

API Manager - Restricted by tenant

We had a query on concept of 'Restricted by Tenant' in APIM Manager.

Question was: 
There is tenant1, where creator created an API and publisher published it.
* if API is set to "Public", everyone sees it, as expected.
* if API is set to "Restricted by tenant", no one sees it, not even the subscriber who is in the same tenant!

Why is it so:
As per the WSO2 APIM team - this option is not supported now (since APIM-1,5,0), but we have 'Public' and 'Restricted by Roles' options. 'Restricted by Roles' requires to enter the names of the role(s) which are permitted to view an API. Once the API is published, it will only be visible on the Store for people who are within the permitted role.

Of course this does not allow same API to be viewed among allowed tenants.

So how 'Restricted by Roles' works:
  • When creating the API select "Restricted by Roles" for "Visibility" level.
  • State 'publisher' role in the 'Visible to Roles' field.

  • Login to 'API Publisher' from publisher's account and publish the API.

  • Now login to API Store using subscriber's account.
Subscriber would not see the above API among tenant's API.

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